Angie Thomas writes another powerhouse! Read it!

35068618 (1)On The Come Up is Angie Thomas’s much awaited second book.  I loved The Hate U Give and felt it gave me new perspective which is what I was hoping for as well with this new book.  I think those of us who are not African-American need to be still and listen more which is what make’s Thomas’s books so valuable.  She is telling the rest of us something and we need to put our bias aside and pay attention.  Bri lives in Garden Heights which is the same setting as The Hate U Give.  This is after the events in the first book.  The characters are different but they are impacted by those events.  Bri’s mother lost her job because of the damage done to the church where she worked during the riots.  Bri lost her father who was an up and coming rap star.  He was killed in gang violence.  Bri has the same talent for rap and joins a battle with the help of her Aunt Pooh.  Her aunt is a drug dealer and gang member.  When she shows talent, Bri catches the eye of her father’s former manager, Supreme.  She records a song called On The Come Up which gains huge popularity and could make her a star. However, Bri may have to create a persona based on people’s perception of her rather than the person she truly is.  At the same time Bri’s mom, who is a recovering drug addict, is trying to keep her family from falling into homelessness as they struggle for food and to keep the power on.  Thomas once again tells a compelling story many will relate to.

Some ideas for discussing with teens:

Discuss the significance of Timberlands and how they play into Bri’s story.

Why do you think Supreme wanted her to act gangster and thought that would help her career even though that is not who she is?

Discuss when Bri says, “I’m no longer invisible, but now I wish I was.” (pg. 68)

Discuss when Bri talks about drowning on page 74.  In the dream she can control it.  While she is awake she is drowning and can’t control any of it.

Discuss why Jay won’t take money from Pooh.

Discuss how Jay’s job loss relates to The Hate U Give.

Discuss how Bri feels when she is about go to through security on page 139.  She doesn’t have anything on her to get her in trouble but she is terrified anyway.  Just like in the store when she knows she is not stealing but afraid people will think that she is.

Discuss the unspoken rules on page 146.

Discuss when Jay says, “There will always be someone with something to say, but it doesn’t mean you gotta listen.” (pg. 160)

Discuss Bri’s experience at the food giveaway.

Discuss when Curtis says, “Yeah, people leave us, but that doesn’t mean we are alone.” (pg. 340)

Discuss how Hype set her up and that the world now sees her as a “ratchet hood rat.” (pg. 355)

What do you think will happen next for Bri?



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